Events Dates and Deadlines

"Like a spring, the beginning of all things is small, but the ocean it lands in is beyond imagination." With the strong desire of getting all the Shalakis under one roof, the founder members with their dedication and hard work got all the Shalakis together and formed the unique Association The Association of Shalaki (TAS India) in the year 2004. The initial foundation was laid in the National Conference on Shalakyatantra Update Shalakyatantra 2002 under the leadership of the Founder member Prof. Dr Dilip Puranik and his enthusiastic team at Tilak Ayurveda
Mahavidyalaya , Pune 411011. A meeting of all the renowned personalities in Shalakyatantra was taken and was decided to form an Association where all the Shalakis would come under one umbrella. Finally the Association was registered under the Society Registration Act 1860 and was named as The Association of Shalaki with the registration number MAH/1752/2004/Pune 2/11/2004 on 2nd November 2004. With the active initiation of all the founder members the Bye Laws were formed and the working of the Association geared up as per the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Association. The main aim of forming this Association was to bring all the Shalakis together and provide them a common platform to express their views and present their work so as to upgrade and update their knowledge in both the fields of Ayurveda and Modern science. Keeping this aim in mind a National Conference is organized every year at different places in the country and the Association is looking forward to organize a Conference abroad in the near future. Till date 8 National Conferences were organized and the coming 9th National and 1st International is being organized in Karnataka. It was the dream of the founder members to organize an International Conference and this dream is fulfilled in the coming Conference. The main attractions of the Conference are the Pre Conference workshop followed by the main Conference. The Pre Conference workshop arranges live demonstrations on surgical procedures and kriyakalpas which definitely increase the confidence of the budding Shalakis. The main Conference comprises of Lectures from eminent speakers who share their experience and skills to upgrade the services to mankind.
There is no Event
May 31 2023
9th Global Ophthalmology Meeting

Popular Articles
Scope of clinical practice of ENT Disorders in Ayurveda


"Like a spring, the beginning of all things is small, but the ocean it lands in is beyond imagination." With the strong desire of getting all the Shalakis under one roof, the founder members with their dedication and hard work got all the Shalakis together and formed the unique Association The Association of Shalaki (TAS India) in the year 2004. The initial foundation was laid in the National Conference on Shalakyatantra Update Shalakyatantra 2002 under the leadership of the Founder member Prof. Dr Dilip Puranik and his enthusiastic team at Tilak Ayurveda
Mahavidyalaya , Pune 411011. A meeting of all the renowned personalities in Shalakyatantra was taken and was decided to form an Association where all the Shalakis would come under one umbrella. Finally the Association was registered under the Society Registration Act 1860 and was named as The Association of Shalaki with the registration number MAH/1752/2004/Pune 2/11/2004 on 2nd November 2004. With the active initiation of all the founder members the Bye Laws were formed and the working of the Association geared up as per the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Association. The main aim of forming this Association was to bring all the Shalakis together and provide them a common platform to express their views and present their work so as to upgrade and update their knowledge in both the fields of Ayurveda and Modern science. Keeping this aim in mind a National Conference is organized every year at different places in the country and the Association is looking forward to organize a Conference abroad in the near future. Till date 8 National Conferences were organized and the coming 9th National and 1st International is being organized in Karnataka. It was the dream of the founder members to organize an International Conference and this dream is fulfilled in the coming Conference. The main attractions of the Conference are the Pre Conference workshop followed by the main Conference. The Pre Conference workshop arranges live demonstrations on surgical procedures and kriyakalpas which definitely increase the confidence of the budding Shalakis. The main Conference comprises of Lectures from eminent speakers who share their experience and skills to upgrade the services to mankind.

Events Dates and Deadlines
There is no Event
May 31 2023
9th Global Ophthalmology Meeting

Popular Articles
Scope of clinical practice of ENT Disorders in Ayurveda



Senior Vice President

Vice President

Vice President